This Intro to GoodFoods Series. Today, we ferment.

This whole Intro to GoodFoods series I am developing in 2017 is based on the idea behind how best food and nutrition can serve our needs when it comes to reducing inflammation. And when I talk of reducing inflammation, I also speak to the importance of digesting like a pro. This is about the power of our food choices and food preparation ways in order to best support our health journey on this planet. It involves people, farmers, producers, cooks and dedicating a bit of every day in to the kitchen. This is #foodismedicine my friend.

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There is a little co-production in the works. Keep your eyes peeled for news of a collaboration with a local company I am seriously loving these days! We will have an announcement later on this week. This may or may not take shape in a cooking class format. Rest assured, it will most definitely include good food and ways these good foods will nourish your sweet self. Stay tuned!