THURSDAY BASICS: the wrap up.

Welcome to the last post of 2019.

✨Read up if you’re wanting to Keep Well.
✨Read up if you’re keen to Tame the Inflammation Dragon.
✨Read up if you want to Kick Chronic Disease to the Curb.
✨Read up if you want to Defeat the Blood Sugar Beast.
✨Read up if you want to Balance your Hormones.
✨Read up if you want to Feel Real Good.

Click on the image for a full exploration of these ideas updated + presented in a much more cohesive order in 2019.

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THURSDAY BASICS: cultivate joy.

I feel like we are living in this really incredible time in history right now. I promise not to get into political things here. Hear me out.

At the core of this whole not-so-quiet revolution currently taking place seemingly in the world all around us and withIN us, in this our work to reduce inflammation on every level, is the ability, the invitation and the occasion to cultivate joy.  

Click on the image for a full exploration on this important keystone to Keeping Well.

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THURSDAY BASICS: love your immune system.

Without fail, the colder weather creeps up on us as it does this time every year. And with the temperature dropping, we often start talking about taking care of the ole immune system. Let's cover some basics today, and talk those easy things we can do to love up our immune system.

Click on the image for a full rundown on the ways you can support Immune Function.

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