This Intro to GoodFoods Series. Today, we ferment.

This whole Intro to GoodFoods series I am developing in 2017 is based on the idea behind how best food and nutrition can serve our needs when it comes to reducing inflammation. And when I talk of reducing inflammation, I also speak to the importance of digesting like a pro. This is about the power of our food choices and food preparation ways in order to best support our health journey on this planet. It involves people, farmers, producers, cooks and dedicating a bit of every day in to the kitchen. This is #foodismedicine my friend.

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MONDAY BASICS: the wrap up.

Welcome to the last post of 2016. I don't know about you, but it's been a banner of a year here at goodfood headquarters. Back in that first week of January, with a year of possibilities ahead, I set out for myself the task of coming up with 52 simple and effective changes you could make in order to help you achieve optimal health. The idea was to post one new concept every Monday, in order to build content on my website and explain my approach, but also to connect with food- and health-loving people out there. What I got in the end was this gift of developing ideas, jumping off points for classes and class material, and extra support I could offer to my one-on-one clients. This blog series is the gift that keeps giving.

There were simple ideas, and there were more complicated ones. Most ideas revolved around food (I am a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, after all...), but there were some concepts that were aimed at lifestyle kind of things too. All in all, these were meant to be suggestions to up the ante for you to improve not only your quantity of life, but also your quality of life.

Today's post is the wrap up. I am posting here the lay of the land, in order that you can use these concepts or steps one at a time for yourself. Whether you are looking for improved health, or support with an existing condition, or just aiming for a better quality of life, these ideas are for you.

Thank you for coming on this #mondayhealthbasics journey with me this year. I am forever grateful for your stories, your struggles and your involvement. May 2017 be a year of discoveries for you, a year of joy with plenty of health and loads of goodfood.

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MONDAY BASICS: pantry staples.

As this year of #mondayhealthbasics post is drawing to a close, I have come to realize one big thing: my work focuses on the power of good food and talking #foodismedicine. My area of interest lies in reducing overall inflammation, and keeping chronic diseases at bay in order to help you fuel your good life. It's about quantity of life, with an emphasis on quality.

Today's post is meant to start at the very beginning. As I am deep in the throes of planning my work for 2017, it has occurred to me that this essential primer on how to eat the good foods has never been addressed. Today, we're talking stocking your pantry with the essentials.

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