The Gut as GROUND ZERO: the secret to feeling real good


I recently had the chance to sit down and chat with the lovely Malcolm Saunders at The Light Cellar. As always, our conversations take such interesting turns. This conversation was about common sense things we can put in place to help to support a strong and solid foundation of good health.

I started with this statistic:

44 percent canadians luka.png

Read that image very carefully.

44% of our adult population here in Canada has AT LEAST one chronic disease diagnosis from the list of the top 10 most common chronic diseases.

The diseases that rank #11-46 are not a part of that 40% number.

The 44% rate counts at least one diagnosis. For some, it’ll be maybe 2, or 3. God forbid, more.

Are you like me? Did you have a ‘What the bleeeeeep?’ kinda reaction?

Who’s ok with this? Who thinks it’s ok that half of our adult population has one of the top 10 most chronic disease diagnoses, let alone any others?

Who has allowed this?

Why is no one sounding the alarm?

Are you ok with this statistic?

I dive in to the idea that the one common area that can be addressed by anyone who is working through a chronic disease diagnosis is where it all begins - GROUND ZERO if you will.

Where is this Ground Zero? Watch this hour long interview to get the gist of where this Ground Zero is found, and what kinds of practical and common step things you can put in place to ensure you feel Real Good.

Not just good. Real Good.

Big thanks to Malcolm for joining me for the chance to talk about this wild statistic, and how I propose we start changing it.

One kitchen at a time.